An Enemy Rush

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

      post #3723683708609531486

Nice smell wah!
Nice smell wah!
Nice smell waaahh!!!
1, 2, 3, Theodore!

Orientation is over. Was so NOT looking forward to its closing. Yesterday was damn fun because our whole subgroup Thirant were all WET at East Coast Park. Nearly everyone got dumped into the sea. Our OGLs were the first haha. After that our whole subgroup tried to sneak into VS to shower but failed, so we ended up at Mandarin Gardens to do so and had our lunch at Thaipan.

Today we had our first day of lessons. The lectures today gave me both a good and bad impression. Bad impression: the air-con in LT1 broke down. There was only 1 fan and the lecturer used it to blow the heat away from the projector, apparently overheated, to try to make it function. In the end we had to make do with ZERO visual aids. And his lecture was so boring. I wanted to sleep but couldn't because it was too hot! Good impression: Geography lecture took place in this super cooling LT3 for around 20 minutes only, even though it was supposed to be for 70 minutes! And the lecturer was entertaining us with photos and everything.

Went back VS today after lessons. Saw all the sec 3s now in long pants haha. And the new sec 1s are so misbehaved, they were not paying attention when I told them stuffs. Oh and I tried out air rifle too... my first entry into the air rifle range.

The timetable for today is bad... I have all 4 subjects PCMG today, plus project work (not yet) and civics tutorial. Tomorrow is not so bad, because there is choir practice! Look forward to tomorrow.



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