An Enemy Rush

Thursday, July 03, 2008

      post #4097974730276400858

Recently I have been hearing people making fun of the 'A' level syllabus. Like coming up with stuffs after H1/H2/H3. Frankly speaking doing so seems to make the topic quite studious. 2 new topics that I have heard: Contract Bridge and Humour. I was thinking how it would be like if they were REALLY 'A' level topics...

H2 Bridge will cover all aspects of the card game like the bidding, declarer play and the defence, as well as the rules of the game. Psychological play is also included, such as looking at opponents' expressions and the choice of playing of cards (for example, which card do you play from a holding of KQJ? K or Q or J?). The weightage of the paper will be as follows:

20% - MCQ on percentage plays.

For example: Let's say declarer has AK98 and dummy has J765. How do you play for no losers?
A: Play A and K
B: Finesse the J then play A and K
C: Finesse the 9 then play A and K
D: Finesse the 9, then the J, then play A and K
(btw I think none of the choices are correct... don't ask me because I dunno)

50% - Structured Questions.

For example: You're holding a hand with 7-carded spades and 10 high card points. You opened the bidding with 3S and your partner bids 4NT.
a) What is your partner telling/asking you? [2]
b) Should you pass his bid? Why or why not? [2]
c) Construct a deal whereby this contract will make in 4NT. [2]
d) Determine what you should do/should have done if you had 15 points instead and explain why. [3]

30% - Practical. Candidates will be required to play 64 boards during the practical session. The score will be based on the average of all the candidates taking the same paper. Candidates will be playing against 3 robots which will make the same bid/play for all the candidates playing the same board. For example, if you score +430 on a board where the rest of the candidates score +400, you will receive 100% for that board.

H1 Bridge will be taught the rules of the game, the basic bidding, declarer play and defence. The exam format will be as follows:
30% - MCQ
70% - Structured Questions.
There will be no practical.

Example topic:
Declarer's play - Learning outcomes
1) Counting winners, counting losers
2) Concept of finessing and percentage plays
3) Playing No Trumps and playing Trumps
4) Concept of cross-ruffing
* 5) Squeeze play
* 6) Coup
7) How to claim tricks

* Not in H1 syllabus

H3 Bridge will require candidates to do an independent research on a topic of their choice on the game. They will be required a write an essay of 2500 - 3000 words on the topic that they have chosen. Example topic: What to bid when I have 0 points?

[Side-note: Hong Aik, you are currently offering H3 Bridge and your topic is what to bid with 0 points. I hope you did not forget that you have been offering this subject since late last year and your examiner is Wei Liang. Hahaha, remember we were playing on Yahoo! and you said you could write an essay on it. Your deadline for the first draft was 3 months ago. I hope you've handed it in, otherwise you will score an 'Abs' grade for it]

Candidates offering H2 Humour will be exposed to various forms of jokes ranging from Blonde jokes and knock-knock jokes (even though they are not funny but they are worth exploring) to simple lame jokes which can produce millions of answers like 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' The jokes will be explored in depth and devices used for crafting various types of jokes will be taught. Finally, candidates will also get to involve themselves with modern jokes. The weightage of the paper will be as follows:

50% - Data response questions. Candidates will be provided with a few sources (jokes) and they will have to analyze them in order to answer the questions.

50% - Structured essay questions. Candidates will be required to answer 2 structured essay questions from different topics.

For example:
a) What are some of the reasons that Yo Mama jokes are being used when people tell jokes as compared to other jokes that you have studied? [10] (point-marked)

Marking scheme for (b):
0 marks - Nothing written or plagiarised material
1-2 marks - Joke has no relevance to question.
3-7 marks - Poor attempt in telling a joke. Not funny. Marker cannot laugh even though he/she tries to tickle himself/herself.
8-11 marks - Some attempt in telling a joke. Slightly funny. Poor use of devices to craft a joke. May have errors in grammar.
12-13 marks - Good attempt in telling a joke. Very funny, however some devices are lacking which may possibly help to make the joke funnier.
14-15 marks - Excellent attempt. Marker tears when he/she reads the joke for laughing too hard. Good use of devices.

Example topic:
Modern jokes - learning outcomes
a) Introduction
b) Elements of modern jokes
c) How to make use of devices
d) Uses in society
e) Criticism in the society

Unfortunately, H3 Humour is not yet offered.



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