Happy Teachers' Day!
Went shopping on Thursday for presents for our subject teachers: Mr Pang, Mr Ee, Mrs Setho, Mdm Tan, Miss Yeo and Mrs Bala (actually wanted to buy for Mdm Nabilah but don't know how to give it to her).
From the bottom from left to right, we bought notebooks for Miss Yeo, Mdm Tan, Mr Ee and Mrs Bala, respectively. From the top we bought a doorstopper for Mr Pang and a cup for Mrs Setho. The doorstopper was unique because it was a Mr P brand, just nice for Mr Pang. When we bought the doorstopper the cashier asked us whether we want them to help us wrap. So we agreed and we bought a 70c wrapper, with some of the paper left after wrapping. I decided to use the remaining wrapping paper to wrap Mrs Setho's cup (even though it was in a box), but there was not enough wrapping paper. So I did this:

There was just nice this side of the box which included that statement. And the wrapping paper was just enough to wrap 5 sides of the box. Haha.
Anyway, we actually planned to fake Mr Pang by giving him a toilet roll, just to see how he reacts. When he is about to leave class then we give him the actual present.
Yesterday, I was filming during class using Wei Liang's phone, and I suddenly thought, hey why not compile them into a video? Some more Blogger now allows us to upload videos. So here is what happened during class yesterday:
Went shopping on Thursday for presents for our subject teachers: Mr Pang, Mr Ee, Mrs Setho, Mdm Tan, Miss Yeo and Mrs Bala (actually wanted to buy for Mdm Nabilah but don't know how to give it to her).

There was just nice this side of the box which included that statement. And the wrapping paper was just enough to wrap 5 sides of the box. Haha.
Anyway, we actually planned to fake Mr Pang by giving him a toilet roll, just to see how he reacts. When he is about to leave class then we give him the actual present.
Yesterday, I was filming during class using Wei Liang's phone, and I suddenly thought, hey why not compile them into a video? Some more Blogger now allows us to upload videos. So here is what happened during class yesterday:
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