An Enemy Rush

Thursday, January 25, 2007

      post #7284909547488031542

Had SYF auditions today. I was very disappointed with the tenors. Basic techniques and technical stuffs in the scores were not used. The holding of note from vir-gi-ne to pas-sus, from that part to cru-ci-fi-xus. What happened?

I saw that quite a lot of people are happy that they are in the SYF team. But the real thing has actually just started. It hasn't ended yet. I wondered why they were sort of celebrating about that kind of victory.

Tomorrow is Friday and there's PE lesson. Which means that there's this cable ski thing which I didn't sign up for. But I think it's not too late. Should I sign up? I want to go but I don't know how to swim, so whenever I fall into the water I need someone to save me. Haha.

By the way, I noticed that Mr Ee has a weird way of greeting us at the start (as well as at the end) of each lesson. He would say the same thing: "Okay boys, hands by your side, stand straight, let's wish each other, 1, 2, 3... good morning boys," and he would then put his right hand in an awkward position just above his waist with the palm facing upwards and fingers closed. Well there was twice whereby he actually gestured his hands in a circular motion. Strange.

By the way, yesterday I couldn't take it. Mrs Lee's lesson was at the end of the day so I bought White Chrysanthemum Tea up during recess. When I reached the 5th floor I was stopped by this prefect who wanted to confiscated my bottle. Well I just told him I would go down and drink, which I went to the 4th floor and used the other staircase up to the 7th floor.

Anyway I think I was passing by 2D when I saw Miss F Yeo trying to explain to the class some things and she asked the class whether they understood what she said. I heard some boys from the back shouting [and giggling], "Yes sir!"

Speaking about 7th floor, my classroom is all the way at the top. It's extremely tiring to climb up and down for recess and all sorts of things. And furthermore our class is facing the "wrong" way, as in facing the school foyer area. Behind our class there's this "door-curtain" which separates our class from the Project Room. So Neng Wei, Alvin, Aditya and I were playing with it because we sit at the back of the class. Quite fun haha, but very distracting.

Oh I have just shifted from the first row to the last row in class on Tuesday. I didn't want to sit too near the whiteboard, plus I am quite tall, so I wanted to sit somewhere behind. I told Mr Pang about it and he changed my place with Wee Kiat, who initially sat at the back. So now I am there, and the good thing, other than playing with the "door-curtain", is that there are 2 tables for me since no one sits beside me, so I can put more things on the tables.

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