No money already. I think I am overspending like crazy and I just cannot help it. I think I really need to save up already. I have been going out because of different stuffs (lately it's because of choir caroling), and so most of the times I got to settle my own dinner. But I don't want to ask for more money so I am using my savings. If I continue spending like this then I will spend finish next year's April money in March. Well done!

I'll rather spend the money on contacts than getting the astigmatism problem.

Ok I just find this picture very funny. It is like total deliberate disobeying of rules which are so clearly stated. Like going straight to the Principal and punching him in the face. Like throwing a shoe at Bush. Like throwing the second one after the first one missed. Haha.

Anyway, after caroling today, I went out with Exco and Steven to IMM to buy stuffs for farewell party. Ok actually it's more of Exco buying, and Steven and I were just wandering around looking at things. I accidentally inflated a boob at Daiso, luckily the shopkeepers did not catch me. I was so shocked because at first we were wondering how it can inflate, then I pressed it and voila! And the thing is, there was no STOP button so it continued inflating. Thank goodness the fake boob was strong enough so it did not burst haha. Oh I went back to check 10 minutes later and the boob was just barely being contained in the paper box. Haha. Ok I dun think I wanna do it again although it's quite fun ;)
But speaking of which, I should have tried to inflate the other boob then see whether either or both of them will fly out of the box or not. Hehe.Labels: Life
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