An Enemy Rush

Saturday, November 15, 2008

      post #582531063047614484

Wow yesterday was my first caroling session in my life. Went to Tangs to sing for 2 sessions of half an hour each. Ok I did not actually sing, but conducted one of the groups. And the guy was very funny because he Tangs us for coming on behalf of Tangs.

The first session was quite bad actually. But I suppose it was because of the acoustics. The place was quite dry and I think everyone sang until very tired. But the ground floor (2nd session) was quite good because we performed near the entrance, and the acoustics was quite wow. Like the first chord came out from my group and I got shocked by its fullness. My group made some minor mistakes here and there but I guess it's ok, because caroling is meant to have fun! So we can all work on our mistakes and prevent ourselves from embarrassment next time.

You know I love reading people's blog. I seldom know who to talk to online because the conversations may just end up stagnant after a while. So when I read people's blog, it's like me asking them, "Hey, how are you doing?" and they will give their replies through their blogs.

Going to crash VSchoir's camp tomorrow...

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