On Tuesday there was Chemistry Practical. Miss Lee was not around so another teacher came to take over the session. At the end of the session I was having fun with the bench reagents. I was mixing sulphuric acid with sodium carbonate solution and watching effervescence of colourless gas. And I didn't know when you add sulphuric acid to potassium permanganate solution, you get the following:

It's actually very beautiful. The two solutions seem to be immiscible because even when you shake the test tube, the purple potassium permanganate solution just stay at the bottom nicely. The teacher at the background was the relief teacher. She told me off twice for mixing the chemicals. Our class finished the practical early, and the next lesson was actually chemical tutorial in that same laboratory (but different teachers). She actually wanted to leave early at first but changed her mind later because she "had better stay to make sure that boy does not play with chemicals".
The performance theatre is a good place to sleep. On Tuesday the whole year 1s went there for Civics Tutorial session. They talked about leadership in VJC. There were 8 to 9 year 2s talking to us about their experiences, and I fell asleep while the 5th one was speaking. Hey at least I persevered for the first 4 leaders before falling asleep. There was also Chemistry lecture there on Wednesday instead of LT5 for some reason. It was super nice to sleep. The air-con was just right, the seats were comfortable, the lecturer was boring. Those were the conditions to induce drowsiness. Maybe the lecturer was not boring, but she speaks in one pitch (quite high pitch) so that's more than enough to knock me out. At the end of the lecture, she commented that we were very well-behaved and should deserve a round of applause. Guys, we can all keep up the good work! You should encourage others to sleep as well!
Thursday was awesome. I skipped Geography lecture because I did not have the powerpoint slides. But that's not the main reason. I stayed in the computer lab to finish my Preliminary Ideas for Project Work, which was actually due on Tuesday. I only started working on it on Wednesday night so it was kind of a rushed job. I just got it back today and Miss Ng (my Supervising Tutor) wrote many comments on it. Oh btw I think Miss Ng is a very hardworking teacher because she writes many comments. In our Physics tutorials and laboratory reports, she will write down many things that she thinks we can improve on. This is what I believe a good teacher should do because if we don't know our own mistakes in the first place, we will hardly improve.
I passed the Physics Olympiad selection test. I don't know how I did it, maybe my luck was good at that time, or the calculator's random function worked marvellously (all the questions were MCQ). But the trainings are on Mondays which clash with Maths Olympiad trainings (which I have already pushed) and choir practices. I know next Monday there will be a Singapore Maths Olympiad selection test (which I hope to pass so that the school can sponsor me for the SMO competition). As for the following Monday, I have still yet to decide whether to go for Physics training or choir practices. Maybe I will go for an hour of Physics, then take a short break before attending choir practices.
Talking about Maths Olympiad, my Saturday trainings will end after 2 more sessions, with the last one being on the 12th of April! That means I can finally go for morning choir practices which I have
never ever gone since I got into VJC. Oh they gave us this "take home test" last Saturday to test our ability to solve questions without the constraints of time. They told us to hand in on the 12th. There are 10 questions, and I spent 5 hours working on them. Managed to successfully solved 3 of them, then I laughed at myself because my solutions are actually very easy. I don't know why I spent so long on them. I wrote on no more than 1 side of the college foolscap per question I solved. Going at this rate, I don't think I can finish the test.
I think some of our class tutors are quite pissed at our class. Or I should say that they are starting to have a bad impression of our class s41. Our GP teacher Mrs Ch'ng was quite carefree because nobody commented when she asked us a question during GP. She went, "Oh, so nobody wants to say anything? Let's move on..." She sent a few people out of the class on Thursday by the way.
"You didn't do my homework? Out!"
"Where's yours? Out!"
"You don't do my homework, you'll get out of the class."
Our Maths teacher Mrs Ang was feeling quite helpless because few people did the tutorials. "I know term 2 is a busy term... ... blah blah... ...
Don't let your work snowball!" I love that phrase a lot, I don't know why. She was very funny during AP-GP lecture. She greeted the lecture hall (but didn't really expect us to greet her back):
[Mrs Ang] Good afternoon.
[Students] Good afternoon Miss... ...
[Mrs Ang]
(suddenly very agitated, pointing to herself fiercely) MRS ANG! I am Mrs Ang.
Reminds me of Miss Lee, our Chemistry practical teacher. "I am Miss Lee, not Mrs. Miss!" Why is she so proud being single? For those who don't know who she is, she is the lecturer for the Atoms, Moles and Stoichiometry, so let's call her the Mole teacher (pun intended). It's just diagonally below her nose by the way.
Labels: Maths, VJC