An Enemy Rush

Monday, June 25, 2007

      post #8771720696856482247

Today was surprising.

There were hard platic plates and bowls in the school canteen being used rather than the typical styrofoam ones that we used to use. I heard that the change was due to students complaining after the school showed us a video talking about environmental degradation.

But the change brought about some good news, better news, bad news and worse news.

Which one do you want to know first? Good news?

Good news is that we don't have to wash the plates and bowls ourselves, but rather the vendors will wash them for us. This means that we can just dump our plates and everything into the trays provided.

The better news is that the canteen vendors won't be charging us extra on the food even though they are doing the washing. That's what the principal said this morning during assembly.

Bad news is that it is very confusing, because there are different coloured-plates for each stall, and they have to separate the Halal ones with the non-Halal ones, so they actually have 2 different sections of trays for putting the plates. I still don't know which is where, so for today's lunch, I threw my plate onto one of those trays which match the colour of my plate, after eating. Haha.

Okay, the worse news is that though it was claimed that the vendors won't increase the prices of food, what they did was they decreased the food sold to us with the same price. So I was quite shocked when I saw my plate of rice sold at $2 less than what can be bought with $1.80 last time. 所谓 "羊毛出自羊身上"!

Not too good for a start.



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