An Enemy Rush

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

      post #1159514065987949800

This morning during morning assembly, our new vice-principal was speaking to us. Now I shall not embarrass myself by trying to spell his name here because I don't know how to spell, in fact, I am not sure whether my pronunciation is correct or not. But anyway, we have a new vice-principal (academics) and he's quite tall, I would say.

Halfway during his speech, I overheard the conversation between Neng Wei and Chan Wei:

[Neng Wei]: Why is his voice going higher and higher?
[Chan Wei]: I think one hour later he will break into falsetto.


This whole week we are having "intensive" mother tongue revision. Quite ironic because during the 4 hours of the revision yesterday, our class only did 1 letter writing exercise, which should take at most 1 hour to finish. Today at least it was somewhat more "intensive", with us being in the computer laboratory the whole day and doing the online exercises, then after our recess Mr Chew discussed through the exam paper which I did not sit for. My prediction was wrong, I am the only guy with F9 for Chinese in my class (prediction was E8).

After Chinese, I went straightaway for Biology practical which was just cutting of potato slices. Then after that went for Chemistry class on Alkanes and Alkenes. Very weird because register numbers 22-41 from our class had lesson today and register numbers 1-21 will have it tomorrow.

After which, Phuong, Duong, Wei Liang and I had to go for Mathematical Olympiad training. As usual only the lower secondary students turned up, so when we turned up, Mdm Teo said now it was for us to teach the students and for her to have a break.

Man it was real hard teaching the students, especially with many people in front asking questions. One question posted was: "Why is square root of 10 multiplied by square root of 10 equals to 10?" I thought for quite long because this question is really very trivial. Really very trivial.

Afterward Wei Liang told me he came across something even more funny. His junior asked him: "What key is Canon in D in?"



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