An Enemy Rush

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

      post #1719828925979971707

I just had Science Practical Assessments (SPA) for both Physics and Chemistry on Skills C and D.

I guess since I stepped into VJC, the Physics experiments that I have been doing are only on oscillations. Ok maybe not forgetting some of the other minor experiments like messing with electrical circuits... They have very interesting, or should I say innovative ideas about oscillations. In secondary school, there is only one type of oscillation: left-right oscillating a spherical mass suspended by a non-elastic string. In VJC, there is left-right oscillation of mass stuck to a piece of triangular cardboard paper, up-down oscillation of mass suspended by springs (varying the number of springs suspending it too), front-back oscillation of ruler suspended by a strip of writing paper, with additional weights on the ruler, up-down oscillation of metre rule with one end clamped and with masses suspended on the other end, up-down oscillation of metre rule with one end pivoted and the other end suspended by a spring, front-back oscillation of a metre rule, and yesterday... left-right oscillation of a perfectly horizontal metre rule! I mean, it's really so creative that they can try for Guinness World Records: most number of oscillation experiments ever come up by a college. Well that was Physics.

Chemistry is even more interesting. It is so interesting that no one bothered to do the experiment (from my class, that is). It's more of an eyes-on practical assessment rather than a hands-on one. The apparatus given is just for our viewing pleasure only. Too bad I was writing from the start till the end, if I had more time I would have actually try burning the propanol given, just for the sake of doing the experiment. I mean, you are supposed to do the experiment, right?

But oh well I am glad that one more round of SPA is over. Maybe there will be around 2 to 3 more next year. SPA is really a way to get 20% easily.



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