An Enemy Rush

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

      post #6774101626852550201

The whole class was very lethargic yesterday, well, in fact, maybe almost every day. After Biology lesson yesterday half the class was sleeping, and yes I mean half. More than 20 people had their heads on the table while waiting for the next teacher to come. So someone suggested that everyone should either sleep or pretend to sleep when Mr Ee walks in. Haha it's quite funny to see (if I could) his expression when he walked into class.

Syamil was leaning back to stretch his hands or something like that during his lesson. Then Mr Ee said, "Syamil, what are you doing? If there is water here then I must be drowning..."

SYF is coming already, next Tuesday. And next Wednesday there's going to be X-country, whereby the whole school will be going to support. I bet Mr Low will definitely promise us a half day/full day off. And I can say he will definitely combine the cultural groups and the X-country to have a half/full day off. I just don't understand why the school cannot even have a half day for the cultural groups alone. I mean, look at this, last year (there was no SYF for cultural groups) the school had a full day off because of the X-country alone.



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