An Enemy Rush

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

      post #4678006045180521835

I forgot to mention that last Friday there was a Chinese dictation test, meaning we were to memorise one whole paragraph of Chinese words from a book and have to write the paragraph down. So the thing is Mr Chew gave us a copy of the paragraph with the hanyupinyin typed. Before the dictation started, we had to read out aloud the paragraph as a class. Wow, I instantly felt like a primary school kid, man. I haven't done that since primary 6, and to think we just had our memories relived. And when the dictation started, I think many people cheated. Haha. It was sort of a test of copying skills rather than memorising skills. I was like flipping the paper to see what's the next sentence because I did not memorise at all. Also, Mr Chia walked past and he asked Mr Chew whether we are doing a test, because he saw some people looking at notes. Mr Chew just said, "Oh it's a mini test, never mind they can refer to notes."

Yesterday during morning assembly I forgot to add in my post that the sec 1s were very enthusiastic. Haha. When the actors split the whole school up into "Vict" (sec 1s and 4s) and "Toria" (sec 2s and 3s), it was the sec 1s who were shouting "vict". Lol. I think the whole sec 4 cohort was quite quiet.

And to think that the sec 1s thrashed the sec 2s. They invited 2 students from each level to go up on stage to play some games. Firstly, the 2 sec 2s were slower in completing some tasks than the sec 1s by around 20 seconds. Secondly, one of the sec 2s actually answered a question wrongly. The actor asked, "If there are 6 apples and you took away 4 apples, how many apples do you have?" Quinn answered 2, which was wrong, because when you take 4 apples away you have 4 apples.

Last but not least, the sec 1s were taller than the sec 2s! Oh man. I was quite stunned actually.

Today it was quite interesting. Mdm Nabilah went through asexual reproduction in plants, and I think more than half the class was quite eager for her to finish the topic so that we can move on to the next topic. Haha.

Then after that, English...
[Mr Ee] Hands by your side, let's wish each other, 1! 2! 3! Good mor- AFTERNOON class...

Then he said he had to go down because he had a meeting with Professor Stones (does she have an "s" behind her name?). He opened this powerpoint slide and told Shi Wei to slowly flash each slide for us to copy. And when he left I took out my thumbdrive and copied the powerpoint presentation, which I just sent to 26 people in my class through e-mail. Hmm not bad huh.

English was quite interesting. The powerpoint slide was on oral skills and techniques. He was like telling us to snap our fingers every time there is a full-stop, and to silently snap when there's a comma. And Aditya was doing all the funny body and hand motions, while I was imitating Mr Ee when he is doing his body gestures (unknowingly). Haha.



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