An Enemy Rush

Friday, October 05, 2007

      post #1336994260281167049

Went to RJC's Open House today after school with Ryan and Wei Liang. Gabriel went earlier with his friends but we met him there eventually.

Seriously the open house discouraged me from going there. There was this performance in the amphi-theatre whereby CCAs will do a short performance of about 1 minute each. It was a big screw up. Especially when they tried to demonstrate sports there... A girl threw a volleyball right into the audience when she wanted to pass it to the people on the other side. And there were a lot of misses in sports like hockey, floorball and frisbee. The funniest one was when a soccer player tried to dribble past another player. He was supposed to dribble past him, but somehow the ball did not manage to pass through the other player's legs, and when the first player tried to turn back, he slipped on the smooth floor and fell. I guess soccer players can only play on fields, not on floors.

And hey, we found the RJC's Bridge Club and we played for more than an hour. We as in Ryan and one of the club members against Wei Liang and I. Hey not bad, the first game I actually made a 3NT... in fact I took 11 tricks when 9 was enough. Oh yeah, there was one very interesting bridge puzzle written on the whiteboard:

(modified slightly)
 North (dummy)
♥ JT9876
♦ 56
♣ 45
Lead: ♠3
South (declarer)
♠ -
♦ AK432
♣ AKQ32

The contract is 7NT. South is the declarer and North is the dummy. West gives the opening lead with ♠3. Determine how all 13 tricks can be taken.



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