An Enemy Rush

Saturday, September 22, 2007

      post #8327802052910198062

I am extremely happy with my Biology results, even though I am not going to use it for my prelims L1R5 (hopefully). As compared to my mid years, I improved by 30%. And my essay... I scored 4/30 for mid years, and I scored 21/30 for this prelims! Haha. That's an improvement of over 400%! And for my mid years, I scored 0 for my 2nd essay question, and this time, I scored full marks for my 2nd essay question. Maybe it is because the questions are easier. Haha.

Okay the release of my Biology results is just for me to be happy over this weekend. I think I will cry when I get back my English and Geography/Social Studies results. Or maybe I should plan which JC I can go next year.



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