On Wednesday, after Mr Low talked to us about the 'O' level results of class 2006, which was really very traumatizing for us, Mrs Lee Kian Soon talked to us about the Chemistry Online Quiz. She told us that some of us were actually cheating (and which Mr Low said that it is definitely impossible for a student to get full marks in 1-and-a-half minutes) and that some of us were selling answers. She told us the main objective of the Online Quiz is to help us revise our Chemistry work topic by topic.
And to add on to that, Miss Yeo told us on Thursday after her Chemistry lesson that she (claims that she) knows who were cheating and told us that the Quiz would be modified slightly to prevent cheating.
And in addition to that, Mr Pang spent his lonesome one period with us today to talk about the online thing as well. He said that one parent actually called Ms Yeo to tell her that there are actually people cheating. Well, he told us that his ex-student asked his teacher to mark his essays and sells the essays, and we should learn from him, instead of getting the answers illegally then selling them.
Well I guess the main reason for all these to happen is because it is stated that the quiz results would be 20% of SA marks, and in order to get the 20% free marks, some people would wanna cheat. But if you remove the 20% of SA thingie, many people will not care to do the tests at all. It's actually quite hard to compromise on this.
Anyway, it's still possible to get full marks for the tests. Like the 6 February post, the former ways to cheat are:
1) Hack into the school server and obtain the answer key
2) Ask your friends to help you after they are done with the test
3) Do not submit the whole test, refresh and do the test again since they provide you with answers after you submit each answer
4) Study the topic, textbook in front of you just in case, calculators, pencil, rough paper and periodic table ready, and just do the test honestly
Now because they changed the system such that answers and scores are not revealed at all, 2 and 3 are striked out. Leaving 1 and 4. 4 is of course not the cheating method, but 1 still exists. I think it may be impossible to find a 100% foolproof method to prevent 1.
Anyway if anyone wants any answers to any question you can ask me (and this is from the method 1. I won't find it cheating anyway because if answers are not provided, we cannot check our answers and during exams, we may be doing our questions wrongly because we do not know the correct answer. And for myself, I do not look at the answer key before nor during the test itself.
Mr Pang asked us whether we still have anything to say about issues which teachers do not know. Shi Wei told him that for the Geography CA, 4H was given 45 minutes and we were only given 35. The actual time given was 35 minutes, and that is confirmed by the HOD of Humanities Ms Sharma. I mean, if it was some other subjects like Biology or English, we won't mind if we are deprived 10 minutes as compared to other classes. But the thing is, Geography Elective is a subject whereby time is very important, because from the start to the end of the paper, it's scribbling and scribbling and scribbling. In our class only Shamir managed to complete the 25-mark paper. I did not have enough time to do a 5-mark question at all.
Yesterday was Total Defence Day. Recess ended at 11.20am and at around 11.30am we saw Mr Pang running to our class to give us a 30-min test (it was his lesson anyway, but we have never seen him running before). The test ended at 12 noon and he left the class.
At 12.05pm, the whole nation could hear the emergency alarm, since every 15th Feb at 12.05pm, there would be a testing of the alarm. And around 5 minutes later, the school's fire alarm went off. Our class was quite slack because we know it was an exercise so we sorta stayed up in class for a while. And not surprisingly, when we looked down the sec 1s and 2s were already in the field, and there were no upper secondary students at all. Haha. And we saw Mr Pang downstairs, with his microphone sticking out from the side of his neck. Lol. The picture was taken by Alif.
Yeah so it was a waste of time. And it has to be during Mrs Setho's lesson. Every week we would miss at least some of her lesson. That's why our Physics is always behind time. Haix.
Today is Chinese New Year eve eve, so I went back to Temasek Primary. Surprisingly Jerome was already there when I reach there, and he was with Javier. So for ex-classmates or whatsoever I only saw the both of them. Met Mrs Chong in the canteen too, but didn't see Miss Neo. And surprisingly, I was taking the bus with Wei Xiang when I saw Joshua Chia and Rifdi alighting at the same stop as us. I didn't know we have sec 1 choir members from Temasek Primary. Hmmm not bad not bad.
Quite disappointed that quite a lot of people couldn't/didn't go back to Temasek Primary today. Most of them said they would go back during Teachers' Day period.
At 2pm the staff was chasing all the alumni out of the school, probably because they were scared we would be disturbing the lessons. But anyway, the alumni (probably the new batch of sec 1s) were very noisy... I was trying to bear with the noise in the canteen.
And to add on to that, Miss Yeo told us on Thursday after her Chemistry lesson that she (claims that she) knows who were cheating and told us that the Quiz would be modified slightly to prevent cheating.
And in addition to that, Mr Pang spent his lonesome one period with us today to talk about the online thing as well. He said that one parent actually called Ms Yeo to tell her that there are actually people cheating. Well, he told us that his ex-student asked his teacher to mark his essays and sells the essays, and we should learn from him, instead of getting the answers illegally then selling them.
Well I guess the main reason for all these to happen is because it is stated that the quiz results would be 20% of SA marks, and in order to get the 20% free marks, some people would wanna cheat. But if you remove the 20% of SA thingie, many people will not care to do the tests at all. It's actually quite hard to compromise on this.
Anyway, it's still possible to get full marks for the tests. Like the 6 February post, the former ways to cheat are:
1) Hack into the school server and obtain the answer key
2) Ask your friends to help you after they are done with the test
3) Do not submit the whole test, refresh and do the test again since they provide you with answers after you submit each answer
4) Study the topic, textbook in front of you just in case, calculators, pencil, rough paper and periodic table ready, and just do the test honestly
Now because they changed the system such that answers and scores are not revealed at all, 2 and 3 are striked out. Leaving 1 and 4. 4 is of course not the cheating method, but 1 still exists. I think it may be impossible to find a 100% foolproof method to prevent 1.
Anyway if anyone wants any answers to any question you can ask me (and this is from the method 1. I won't find it cheating anyway because if answers are not provided, we cannot check our answers and during exams, we may be doing our questions wrongly because we do not know the correct answer. And for myself, I do not look at the answer key before nor during the test itself.
Mr Pang asked us whether we still have anything to say about issues which teachers do not know. Shi Wei told him that for the Geography CA, 4H was given 45 minutes and we were only given 35. The actual time given was 35 minutes, and that is confirmed by the HOD of Humanities Ms Sharma. I mean, if it was some other subjects like Biology or English, we won't mind if we are deprived 10 minutes as compared to other classes. But the thing is, Geography Elective is a subject whereby time is very important, because from the start to the end of the paper, it's scribbling and scribbling and scribbling. In our class only Shamir managed to complete the 25-mark paper. I did not have enough time to do a 5-mark question at all.
Yesterday was Total Defence Day. Recess ended at 11.20am and at around 11.30am we saw Mr Pang running to our class to give us a 30-min test (it was his lesson anyway, but we have never seen him running before). The test ended at 12 noon and he left the class.

Yeah so it was a waste of time. And it has to be during Mrs Setho's lesson. Every week we would miss at least some of her lesson. That's why our Physics is always behind time. Haix.
Today is Chinese New Year eve eve, so I went back to Temasek Primary. Surprisingly Jerome was already there when I reach there, and he was with Javier. So for ex-classmates or whatsoever I only saw the both of them. Met Mrs Chong in the canteen too, but didn't see Miss Neo. And surprisingly, I was taking the bus with Wei Xiang when I saw Joshua Chia and Rifdi alighting at the same stop as us. I didn't know we have sec 1 choir members from Temasek Primary. Hmmm not bad not bad.
Quite disappointed that quite a lot of people couldn't/didn't go back to Temasek Primary today. Most of them said they would go back during Teachers' Day period.
At 2pm the staff was chasing all the alumni out of the school, probably because they were scared we would be disturbing the lessons. But anyway, the alumni (probably the new batch of sec 1s) were very noisy... I was trying to bear with the noise in the canteen.
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