This morning there was a temperature check in the school hall. So was there on Monday morning too. What happened on Monday morning was that I brought my thermometer (¾ of the hall didn't bring), and it was working well, until when I wanted to take my temperature. The thermometer showed
, ah well, there's nothing much I could do so I just pretended my thermometer was working.This morning I did the same thing. Then my thermometer worked after I "checked" my temperature. And the funny thing is that the unit changed from Fahrenheit to Centigrade, so my last taken temperature changed from 100.6 °F to 38.2 °C - I think it was taken quite long ago. Well, at least I know I didn't have fever these few days, dun have to specifically check.
So anyone who knows how to change its settings or whatsoever please do tell me :).
After that there was this Intensive HMT Lessons for HMT students. I, being in MT class, didn't have much to do so I followed Neng Wei, Roger and Ryan Lee to the posterior of the IT and ELDDS Rooms to play Bridge... the whole day! Can't believe that we played from around 8.30am to 10.45am, then ate something before playing again until 1.05pm. Quite funny because I brought a cup of Milo up after recess and had it stood on a chair beside me. Looks like I was in a resort whereby there's cocktail beside me, and we're all under the sun relaxing and playing cards.
Biology lecture started at 1.30pm, with Mr Gabriel as the lecturer. Quite interesting, and he kept digressing. For example, he wanted to explain that endocrime means "internal secretion", because of the prefix "endo-". Then he went on to explain that endothelium is the tissue that is found inside the body (like the blood vessels) and not exposed to the atmosphere, unlike the walls of the alimentary canal (the tissues are called epithelium). He demonstrated by drawing a picture on the transparency, which he kindly allowed me to take home for laughing purposes [see top of post].
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